This post is one I cannot not post. It's about a podcast called Serial, recommended to me by my boyfriend. He had listened to a couple of episodes before he told me about it and this is when I decided to try it with an open mind.
All I can say is after 1 episode...I was hooked!
I was constantly serial-ing before and after work or whenever I could and in less than a week I finished all the episodes. Currently there is only series 1, which has 12 episodes, but I'm hoping for series 2 because it is just so addictive.
I really don't want to give any spoilers or say too much information that's in the podcast, although that kills me since I want to blurt out all my suspicions, but its because I seriously feel like you all need to listen to this. It honestly creates so many thoughts and feelings when you hear them and you end up getting to tied up and involved. So I would love to discuss about it if any of you have listened to them!
If you want to find out more information or you want to listen to the podcast, visit
If you have an iPhone, you can also download the podcasts so you can listen to them on your way to work/school/anywhere because seriously you'll want to be serial-ing all the time once you start!
As I mentioned, I would love to hear all your viewpoints on it, so if you have listened/are listening to the podcasts please do comment down below :)